An unedited, inside look at employee financial wellbeing at Octopus Group
Download the unedited executive presentation, with insights collected after nearly 70% of the 500+ employees signed up to financial coaching this year.
Some of the biggest findings were:
Money was the #1 cause of stress for employees
80% of employees didn’t have basic protections (like a will) in place
After coaching, the average employee household was on track to be £100k better off
Octopus Money Limited is an appointed representative of Octopus Investments Limited which is authorised and regulated in the UK by the Financial Conduct Authority. Registered office: 33 Holborn, London EC1N 2HT. Registered in England & Wales under No. 14069098.
Octopus Money is a trading name of Octopus Money Financial Solutions Limited. Registered in England and Wales (No. 10339119). Authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority. Our Financial Services Register number is 763630.
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